FAQ & Shipping


  • Shipping is handled through USPS or UPS
  • Shipments are processed within 2 days and take on average 2-5 business days to be delivered
  • If it has been over 1 week and you have not received your product, you can email us at onlineorders@sweetwaterhottubz.com


  • What do I do if I am missing products, received the incorrect products, or the product is damaged?
    • Email us at onlineorders@sweetwaterhottubz.com and we'll take care of it!
  • Where is my package?
    • All packages are shipped via USPS or UPS and will have a tracking number. You should be able to locate your tracking number in the email you signed up with. 
    • If the tracking number does not provide you with the answers you need, feel free to email us at onlineorders@sweetwaterhottubz.com
  • Why is my water green or smelling bad?
    • Green water is usually an indication of low chlorine/bromine levels. You may need to "shock" the water using All Clear Sanitizer 56 to get the chlorine levels up high enough to kill bacteria and restore the water color and clarity
  • How long will my spa filter last?
    • Spa filters can last from 6 months to over 1 year depending on how well you take care of it.
    • Spa filters should be "sprayed down" with clean water 1x every week. If the filter is discolored and water does not restore the color, then it might be time for a new filter. Similarly, if the pleats or band around the filter are torn, then a new filter will be needed.